Planting Tips
The best time to plant depends entirely on what you are planting. We recommend that trees be planted in the fall, in order for their root systems to get a jumpstart during the winter months. You can plant trees during the winter and spring as well. Since we rarely get ground freezes here, you do not need to worry about the ground thawing before installing new plants.

Shrubs and perennials can be planted almost anytime, but be very careful about planting during the summer. There is always a chance that a plant will experience transplant shock, and high temperatures can raise the likelihood of this happening.

When planting, always make the hole larger than the root ball of your plant. Doing this encourages better drainage, which can be a problem. When refilling the hole, we suggest mixing the existing dirt with a nutrient rich soil amendment like cotton bur compost or peat. We tend to have poor soil in this general area, and adding nutrients to the soil will give the plants a better chance at surviving and thriving.

Be sure to water any new plantings regularly. This does not necessarily that you should water them every day. Plants can be as easily damaged by too much water as not enough. As a general rule of thumb, keep the soil damp, but not wet. All plants are different and have varying water requirements. If you are unsure about how much you should water, your best bet is to ask when you purchase your plants.